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4 Ways PTSD Can Impact Your Daily Life

Of the 70% of adults in the United States who’ve experienced at least one traumatic event in their lives, 20% go on to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can be a debilitating and life-altering condition.

Here at the Institute for Advanced Psychiatry, Dr. Diana Ghelber and our team of mental health experts understand the widespread impact that PTSD can have on the lives of those who suffer from the problem, and we’re here to help.

To give you an idea of just how important it is to treat PTSD, here’s a look at just four of the many ways that the disorder can impact your daily life.

1. Intrusion

One of the hallmarks of PTSD is reliving the trauma through intrusive thoughts, which can take the form of flashbacks, nightmares, and more. These thoughts and dreams are unbidden and difficult to predict and can interfere with your ability to function during the day or while you attempt to sleep at night.

When these intrusions occur, you’re left in a state of psychological distress, which can linger long after the thought, flashback, or dream has taken place, leaving you less able to get back to your normal routine.

2. Avoidance

Many people with PTSD develop avoidance habits in order to steer clear of people, places, or things that remind them of the traumatic event. This type of avoidance can lead to increasing isolation and fear, which affects how you’re able to make your way in the world. Perhaps you pull away from friends and co-workers, and even your family, as you attempt to create a “safe” space for yourself.

Unfortunately, this space can be anything but safe as you withdraw inward and unplug, leaving you without any real connections.

3. Changes in mood and cognitive function

PTSD can have a significant impact on your cognitive function, such as memory, as well as your moods. 

Many people with PTSD experience emotions such as guilt, shame, and fear, and these emotions can be directed at themselves or toward others. This increasingly negative attitude can greatly affect how you view yourself (self-loathing) or how you deal with others (you don’t trust anyone).

This fear, mistrust, and negative self-image can wreak havoc on how you handle everyday situations and relationships.

On the cognitive side, not only can PTSD affect your memory, but your ability to concentrate and focus, which leaves you less able to handle school or work.

4. Arousal and reactivity

If you find yourself quick to anger, jumpy, or behaving recklessly, this may be a result of PTSD. These symptoms can prevent you from being comfortable in your surroundings as you’re always on high alert. As well, you may find yourself having disproportionate emotional outbursts that affect relationships or engaging in behaviors that are harmful to yourself or others.

Why treating PTSD is important

The bottom line is that, depending upon the extent of your symptoms, PTSD has the potential of overshadowing just about every aspect of your life, which is why seeking our help is important. 

We offer a wide range of treatment options, which include:

Rest assured, we work with you until we can help you move past your trauma so that you can enjoy your life once again.

To learn more about PTSD, contact one of our offices in Fort Worth or Granbury, Texas.

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